Série sekačky Honda HRN216. Smart Drive sekačka Honda

Série sekačky Honda HRN216

Honda Power Equipment oslavilo své 35. výročí se spoustou fanfár a se spuštěním zcela nové série sekačky Honda HRN216. Tato sekačka na trávu je postavena nová od základů jako náhrada za jejich nejoblíbenější řadu sekaček spotřebitelů.

Honda HRN216: Nahrazení sestavy Honda HRR216

Když prodáváte 300 000 sekaček na trávu ročně z jednoho řádku, normální myšlení říká, že je to Crankin “. Power Equipment Honda však není spokojen sedět v klidu a nahrazují řadu HRR216 linií Honda HRN216.

Chcete-li to uvést do perspektivy, je to jako by Honda nahradila Civic za zcela nový model. Prodávají každý rok 300 000 občanských a HRR216.


Největší rozdíl pro Honda HRN216 je motor. zcela přestavěný motor GCV170. Posune se ze 106 dílů dolů na pouhých 39. Je snazší je obsluhovat, má lepší palivovou účinnost, o 9% vyšší výkon a o 18% více točivého momentu než GCV160 nahrazuje.

Je také vybaven přenosem celokovového, něco, co je pro tuto třídu sekačky neobvyklé. Protože výrobci Honda jak motor, tak přenos, je to dokonale navržené fit. Jiné možnosti často spárují motor a přenos od různých výrobců, které musí přizpůsobit.

Je to stále rezidenční motor, jen silnější motor. Stále se hodí ke stejné stopě z GCV 160, což jí umožňuje pářit na stejné vybavení. Zde je několik menších změn, které mění:

  • 60% palivového výtoku většího průměru pro snazší doplňování doplňování
  • Olejová výplň se posunula výš a blíže k klikové skříni
  • Přístup k vzduchovému filtru bez nástrojů
  • Snadný přístup k zapalovací svíčce na horní přední straně motoru
  • Snadnější sestavitelné šrouby carb
  • Jednosměrný pás, který nevyžaduje odstranění celého motoru pro přístup a výměnu kliky
  • Zlepšení systému auto-choke
  • Cycloflow. kompaktní spalovací komora s delší mrtvicí a stabilním spalováním napříč širším provozním rozsahem
  • Šum výfuku naladěný na nižší frekvenci, která není tak dráždivá

Specifikace Honda GCV170

  • Typ motoru: vzduchem chlazený, čtyřtaktní
  • Vysunutí: 167 cc
  • Systém sytiče: Automatické a příručky
  • Kapacita oleje: 0.4 l
  • Palivová kapacita: 0.9 l
  • Palivo: Bezpočetný automobilový průmysl
  • Účinnost: 1.4 l/h při 3600 ot/min
  • Suchá hmotnost: 22.3 libry
  • Rozměry: 16.34 ″ x 12.99 ″ x 14.14 ″
série, sekačky, honda, hrn216

Funkce Honda HRN216

Série Honda HRN216 přichází s designem Twin-Blade Honda, takže je efektivnější při mulčování. Když taškaš, výstřižky jsou menší a dostanete více trávy v tašce, takže se přestanete vyprázdnit méně často.

Zvýšili také průměr skluzu, takže je tvrdší ucpat. V interním testování Honda nový design udělal rychlý 5 ”řez 131 ′. více než dvojnásobek vzdálenosti HRR 216 před ucpáním (62 ‚).

Všichni jsme byli připraveni udělat nějaké vysoce kvalitní řezání na dvorku Honda Power Equipment, když nás přerušila bouřka. Musel jsem snížit asi 15 minut a je to docela působivé ve vlhké trávě při pravidelné údržbě. Až dorazí do našeho světového sídla, provedeme několik důkladnějších testování, včetně vyšší trávy.

Pokud jste obeznámeni s Honda’s HRX sekačky na komerční straně, ředitel klipu 3 v 1 se dostane na novou linii. Toto je páka, která uzavírá výstupní proudění vzduchu pro mulčování. Pokud chcete zabalit nebo použít zadní výboj, převráťte jej do nastavení tašky. Neexistuje žádná zástrčka, o kterou by se měl starat.

Zde je několik drobných oprav ve srovnání s HRR216

  • Při mulčování optimalizoval kopuli paluby pro lepší pohyb trávy
  • Uzavřeno několik malých únikových bodů trávy
  • Eliminoval překážku pytle v zadní palubě

Další funkce

Úhlednější design

Pohled vedle sebe na HRR a HRN216 ukazuje, že Honda jde po elegantnějším, svůdnější design je zlepšení oproti předchozímu utilitárnímu vzhledu.

Tým designu jde se dvoubodovým systémem nastavení výšky-jednou pákou na přední nápravě a sekundou vzadu. Pomocí nýtu pro připojení pevné tyče k kolům vytváří pevnou konstrukci, která odolává torzi, kterou často vidíte z 2-bodového nebo 1-bodového designu.

Jako další bonus můžete naklonit přední konec do zářezu a tašky efektivněji, než když jsou všechna 4 kola na úrovni.

V kombinaci s ocelovou palubou s těžkým pokrytím je to pevný, odolný stroj.

Rise and Drive

K dispozici je 7 úrovní nastavení výšky pokrývající výšky 1 ”až 4” (1.06 ″ až 3.93 ″). Pohodlně každé značení výšky odpovídá výšce a je to vysoce kontrastní bílá na černé barvě, takže ji můžete vidět jednodušší.

U modelů s vlastním pohonem dochází k velké změně v provozu pohonu. Smart Drive Push Bar pod hlavní rukojetí vám umožní prohrát vaši rychlost od 0. 4 mph. Je dostatečně široký na to, abyste se snadno použili s palci, aby vaše ostatní prsty mohly udržet přítomnost typu přítomnosti.

Snímek uprostřed palcové lišty vám umožňuje upravit do 5 pozic pohybujících se nahoru po baru. Je pravděpodobné, že najdete pohodlnou pozici, na které se můžete usadit. Jakmile to uděláte, úprava rychlosti přichází velmi přirozeně, když pracujete po zahradě.

Cílem bylo snížit únavu palce s lepší ergonomií. V krátké době, kdy jsem ho musel použít, se zdá, že to funguje. Až se dostaneme na úplnou recenzi, vyzkoušíme to delší dobu.

Jeden upgrade, který byl okamžitě zřejmý, byl obousměrný systém Ratchet na jednotce. Když uvolníte hnací lištu, klíč v jednotce umožňuje zadní kola volnoběh vpřed a vzad. HRR měl pouze dopředu volnoběžnou. Když pracujete na terénních úpravách nebo rozích, kde se musíte často otáčet, je to opravdu patrné.

Další funkce

  • Výška rukojeti 2
  • Všechny úpravy a výtok paliva jsou na levé straně sekačky a udržují vše na jedné straně kromě olejového výtoku

Narozen v USA

Byl bych v rozpacích, kdybych neoznačil výrobu USA založené na Hondě. I když ne každá komponenta pochází z USA, většina částí motoru a sekačky je vyráběna v zařízení Swepsonville, NC, které jsme navštívili. Celá sekačka je sestavena v této rostlině a bylo to stejné zařízení, které tým produktu vytvořil a navrhl ji.

Obecněji se podíváme na americká zařízení Honda, v USA a Severní Americe obecně působí působivý závazek k výrobě v USA a Severní Americe. Mnoho automobilů a produktů, které vyrábějí, má ve své DNA více USA než americké společnosti, které získávají hodně práce jinde.

Očekávejte, že linka Honda HRN216 uvidí omezenou distribuci od září 2019, s větším tlakem na maloobchodníky letos v zimě.

Honda HRN 216 Modely sekačky na trávu

Sdílené specifikace

  • Úplně přepracovaný motor Honda GCV170 (167 cm)
  • Automatická sytič
  • 0.237-galonová palivová nádrž (0.9L)
  • 8 ″ pneumatiky
  • 21 ″ ocelová/pryskyřičná paluba
  • 7-poloha, 2-bodová nastavení výšky paluby
  • 1.06 ″ až 3.Rozsah výšky 93 ″
  • Mulč/taška/zadní výtok s ředitelem čipu
  • 17-galon taška
  • 2 Pozice zpracování
  • Twin Blade Cutting System

Honda HRN216 PKA

Chcete-li získat výhody redesignu HRN216 bez samohybné jednotky, přejděte s verzí PKA.

Honda HRN216VKA

VKA verze je nejzákladnější z verzí s vlastním pohonem. Používá začátek zpětného rázu se systémem pohonu hnacího pohonu zadních kol.

Honda HRN216VLA

VLA má klíčový elektrický start, který je namontován na rukojeti, kde vidíte mnoho sestavců rychlosti s vlastním pohonem na jiných sekačkách. Jak byste mohli očekávat, Honda vám dá zálohu zpětného rázu v případě, že by baterie zemřela.

Honda HRN216VYA

Vya se připojí k VLA v horní části linky Honda HRN216. Zahrnuje Roto-Stop-funkci, kterou vidíme na HRX, která umožňuje zastavit čepele bez zastavení motoru. Na časy je užitečné, že musíte přesunout hůl z cesty, vyprázdnit tašku nebo prodat tvrdohlavý aligátor zpět do jezera. Velkým problémem je, že vám to ušetří od restartování sekačky po každém přerušení.

How to Adjust Honda Mower Smart Drive Cable


Ceny na sekačkách řady Honda HRN se pohybují od 459 (model push) do 569 (samohybné a elektrické start nebo rototo-stop). Najdete je u nástrojů ACME a dalších autorizovaných prodejcích Honda.

Kenny Koehler

Na hodinách se Kenny ponoří hluboko, aby objevil praktické limity a srovnávací rozdíly pro všechny druhy nástrojů. Mezi hodiny jsou jeho víra a láska k jeho rodině jeho nejvyšší priority a obvykle ho najdete v kuchyni, na jeho kole (je to Ironman), nebo si vybíráte lidi na jeden den rybolovu na Tampa Bay.

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Smart Drive sekačka Honda



Product Description

The HRX2174HYA is one of Honda’s best self propelled residential mowers. A powerful and reliable 190cc engine has a Hydrostatic Cruise Control transmission. The Versamow system regulates the amount of grass discharged and allows you to switch between modes with no tools or extra parts. Honda backs this mower with a 5 years residential warranty.

  • Hyrdostatic Cruise Control allows infinite speed-control with comfortable level between 0 to 4 MPH
  • Backup recoil starter is available
  • Roto-Stop allows you to disengage blades and move away from mower without stopping engine
  • Smart Drive variable speed system
  • Versamow system allows you to change modes easily (Mulch, Bag, Discharge, Shred)
  • Microcut blades feature four cutting surfaces
  • The strong 21″ deck is made of impact resistant NeXite with Lifetime warranty
  • 50 State legal 190cc Honda Engine has proven reliability
  • Automatic choke system makes starting a breeze
  • Ball bearing wheels
  • Handle is easily adjustable with 3 positions available


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HRR and HRS Mowers: Honda Quality and Innovation for the Home Owner

Most consumer lawn equipment is driven by price, but that doesn’t mean you have to buy something big to get a quality lawn mower. Honda’s HRR and HRS mowers are small walk-behinds built with the company’s trademark reliability and clever design, making them a great choice if your lawn is less than an acre.


All HRR and HRS mowers are powered by a GCV160 engine. It uses what Honda calls “uniblock” construction, forming the head, block and upper half of the crankcase from a single piece of metal. The head uses a crossflow design with an overhead cam made out of resin. The valvetrain and crankshaft connect using a unique internal timing belt that is designed to last the lifetime of the motor. Together, these features make this engine extremely light with less vibration, less noise and fewer points of failure than competing residential powerplants. Honda didn’t just innovate with this engine, they put a lot of thought into making it easy to use. An automatic decompression system makes it easy to turn over when starting, while an automatic choke controls air flow as the engine warms up. A manual fuel shutoff valve prevents spilling and carburetor flooding during transit. It also makes it easy to empty the fuel system when storing, preventing issues with corrosion and gumming. A long filler neck acts as both the drain and fill point for oil. To drain, just tilt the mower over a drain pan.

Cutting Performance

These mowers use Honda’s Twin Blade MicroCut System. Instead of a single blade with a high, medium or low leading edge, this design uses a pair of blades stacked on top of each other with different edge profiles. With each pass, blades of grass are cut twice, resulting in smaller clippings from the start. When mulching, this dual action cut breaks down grass faster, making it more effective than other designs, even when cutting wet grass. Smaller pieces also compact more, so emptying is less frequent when bagging.

All HRR and HRS mowers come with a 21-inch cutting deck with 6 cutting heights ranging from 1 1/8 to 4 inches.

HRR mowers use a 3-in-1 cutting system controlled by Honda’s Clip Director. This system operates a door at the back of the deck, letting the mower switch between mulching, bagging and rear discharge by turning a single lever. No tools are required to switch between modes, and there’s no chute or mulch plug that needs to be installed on the side of the deck. The included bag holds 1.9 bushels.

Smart Drive

Self-propelled models come with Smart Drive, a compact hydrostatic drive system. Like the hydrostatic systems found in riding mowers, it allows infinite speed adjustment on the fly. This makes it easy to slow down for hills and obstacles, then speed up when you’re mowing straight on level ground. This drive system is operated by levers that can be set to one of 5 positions. Mower speed is adjusted by pushing down on the thumb pads. This allows multiple hand positions, reducing fatigue.

Other Features

The folding Quick Release handle has two operating positions and is locked into place with large knobs, requiring no tools to change position. The rear wheels on both push and Smart Drive models are mounted on ball bearings for lower effort when pushing and smoother movement.


HRS These basic mowers are designed for side discharge and mulching. The HRS216PKA is a no-frills mower weighing just 64 lbs, making it easy to push and turn, while the HRS216VKA comes with the Smart Drive self-propulsion system.

HRR These models are designed for bagging as well as mulching and discharge, and every model has a system to stop the blade when stepping away from the mower, making it safer to work around. The HRS216PKA is a push mower with a flywheel brake that stops the engine shaft and blade when the bail is released, while the HRS216VKA comes with the Smart Drive system. The HRS216VYA uses Honda’s Roto-Stop system. It has a PTO like a riding mower, letting the blade disengage from the drive shaft. When the bail is released, the blade stops without shutting off the engine. This saves time and effort when stopping to pick up branches and other obstacles.


Honda guarantees these mowers and engines for 3 years of residential use or 90 days of commercial use.

Getting Parts and Accessories for Honda Walk Behind Mowers

Hondalawnparts.com has everything you need to keep your Honda mower working for years to come. Our site makes it a breeze to find parts for your model by showing parts diagrams and descriptions straight from Honda so you know exactly what you’re ordering. We ship across the U.S. and Canada.

Honda manufactures a full line of lawn mowers. Which model is best suited to your grass-cutting needs?

By Glenda Taylor | Published Jun 20, 2022 12:13 PM

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs.

Nothing says summer like the sound of lawn mowers powering up. The long-standing ritual of keeping lawns neatly trimmed and manicured is easier with a quality mower, and the ability to impart a sharp, clean cut on the grass is the secret to a lawn’s overall health. To that end, Honda lawn mowers top the wish lists of many home landscapers.

Honda Power Equipment manufactures a variety of top-notch walk-behind lawn mowers—all designed to minimize mowing time and leave the lawn looking great. Ahead, learn what to keep in mind when shopping for the best Honda lawn mower and find out why the following models are well suited for various turf-trimming needs.

  • BEST OVERALL:Honda 21 in. NeXite Variable Speed 4-in-1 Walk Behind
  • BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK:Honda 21-in. 3-in-1 Variable Speed Gas Walk Behind
  • MOST CONVENIENT:Honda Variable Speed Gas Walk Behind with Auto Choke
  • BEST WITH CRUISE CONTROL:Honda 21-in. NeXite Deck Hydrostatic Cruise Control
  • BEST ELECTRIC START:Honda HRX217VLA 21-in 4-in-1 Versamow Self-Propelled
  • ALSO CONSIDER:Honda Power HRC216PDA Lawn Mower

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Honda Lawn Mower

Among today’s more popular mower brands, Honda lawn mowers can be found in many home improvement stores, DIY centers, and garden or landscaping supply outlets. Honda’s walk-behind mowers are built to last, and while all its models are relatively straightforward machines, users do have a few factors to consider.

Push vs. Self-Propelled

Most but not all of Honda’s lawn mowers are self-propelled, meaning their rear wheels turn in a forward direction, which helps push the mower along. This feature is a boon for mowing on inclines and through deep or thick grass—situations that are truly challenging with models that are not self-propelled. But don’t mistake Honda push mowers with the old-fashioned push models that featured reel-type blades and were 100 percent powered by the user. All Honda mowers have engines that power the blades.

The self-propulsion feature on Honda mowers primarily engages in two different ways: via a thin metal bar the user pulls and then holds alongside the mower’s handle or by pushing a lever located in the center of the handle. The latter method is found on Honda mowers that come with Smart Drive capability, and the nice thing about Smart Drive is that users can easily adjust the propulsion speed to match their needs.

The best Honda push mower still has its place, however. A good deal of engine power goes toward propelling rear wheels; push-only mowers can use all the energy to power the cutting blades. Plus, some users prefer a push-only mower because there are fewer mechanical parts that might have issues.

Gas vs. Battery

Although some modern mowers are battery operated, Honda currently makes gas-powered lawn mowers only. As lithium-ion batteries become more powerful, that could change, but as of now, those who want the oomph of a Honda model must put up with smelly gas fumes as well as the need to store gasoline in a garage or shed.

Speaking of gas-powered engines, it’s worth noting that while all Honda mowers feature Honda engines, other brands sometimes use Honda gas engines in their mowers as well. Shoppers in the market for a true Honda lawn mower should carefully research the machine’s details. Other manufacturers may include the name “Honda” in their mower’s title, yet the only Honda part on the model may be its gas engine.

Cutting Height and Width

Honda makes walk-behind lawn mowers that cut 21-inch swaths through a lawn. Some manufacturers offer broader cuts and some offer narrower ones, but Honda sticks to that single cut width of 21 inches. This is about average for a walk-behind mower, and it’s suitable for most residential lawns. While a wider cut removes more grass in a single pass, it also takes more engine power and—if it’s not a self-propelled mower—more physical strength.

Like other walk-behind mowers, Honda models allow users to adjust the cutting height to suit the grass type. Users can choose to cut the lawn as low as 0.75 inches or as high as 4 inches. Most cool-season grasses, such as tall fescue or bluegrass, are maintained at 2.5 to 4 inches high. Warm-season grasses, including Bermuda and zoysia grass, do well when maintained at 1 to 3 inches high. If there’s any doubt, a quick call to a local county extension office will usually resolve the best height for different grass types and regions.

Mulching, Bagging, and Side Discharge

Honda makes mowers that discharge clippings to either the side or the back, and some models also come with a mulching feature. The different options can impact the way users mow and the health of the lawn.

  • Side discharge: With this option, grass clippings are expelled out of the side of the mower deck onto the lawn. The side chute can be blocked with a fold-down guard if rear discharge or mulching functions are used.
  • Rear discharge: This function is meant to be used in conjunction with a rear-collection bag. When the bag is in place, it holds the rear chute open, which allows the clippings to blow into the bag. When the bag is removed, the chute closes, and the grass either ejects out the side chute or drops beneath the mower.
  • Mulching: The mulching feature on Honda mowers directs the clippings downward onto the lawn. This is an eco-friendly option because the clippings biodegrade and act as a mild fertilizer. Honda mowers incorporate a twin-blade cutting system (called Microcut) that cuts the clippings into tiny bits so they decompose quickly.

Honda Series

Honda makes an assortment of mowers in four categories:HRS, HRN, HRX, and HRC. Not all models are sold in all locations, but they can be purchased at a Honda dealer.

  • HRS: The Honda HRS Series features side-discharge lawn mowers with 21-inch cuts and large 8-inch wheels for maneuverability. Buyers may choose from either push-type or self-propelled models.
  • HRN: This series features some of Honda’s most popular residential lawn mowers, and they come with powerful Honda engines, easy-start recoil cords, and Honda’s twin-blade MicroCut system that produces finer grass clippings. Available in push or self-propelled models.
  • HRX: This is Honda’s top-of-the-line residential mower series. Mowers in the HRX Series are among the best Honda mower options—and the priciest. The models in this series are self-propelled and have options such as a leaf-shredding mode, variable speed control, and, on some, cruise control.
  • HRC: Mowers in the HRC Series are designed for heavy-duty or frequent use by commercial landscaping professionals, but homeowners that mow frequently may want to consider these beefed-up models. These are commercial-grade machines with stainless steel decks and reinforced guards and bumpers. Buyers may choose from push or self-propelled models.

In addition to the Honda series letters, if the model number ends in PDA or PKA, it signifies that the mower is a push model, not self-propelled.

Additional Features

High-quality Honda mowers are designed for durability and to provide an optimal grass-cutting experience. A few additional features can be found within the four series of models.

  • Electric start: No need to pull a recoil cord when electric start is available. However, most Honda models do not come with electric start. Currently, only a few models in the HRX series feature electric start capability, which involves using a key (just as in a car) to start the mower’s engine.
  • Adjustable handle position: The handles on many Honda mowers are adjustable in length to suit individual user needs.
  • Quick-blade stop: Called Roto-Stop on Honda mowers, this feature allows users to disengage the blades without shutting the mower off. This convenience lets users stop and dump clippings without restarting the machine.
  • Hydrostatic transmission: This signifies a fluid-filled transmission that’s generally quieter to operate and results in less friction damage to moving parts. Only a few self-propelled Honda models in the HRX series currently feature a hydrostatic transmission.
  • NeXite deck: Who hasn’t had to tip a mower over and chip away at hardened, stuck-on grass clippings? With Honda’s NeXite-coated underdeck, grass doesn’t stick, and NeXite decks are also designed to resist rusting and corrosion.

Our Top Picks

Honda mowers are among the best options in the walk-behind lawn mower industry, and the following models feature a range of options that are well suited to various mowing needs. Chosen for high performance and the ability to reduce mowing time, any of the picks in this lineup are tops in their categories.

Honda 21 in. NeXite Variable Speed 4-in-1 Walk Behind

Folks may actually look forward to lawn care with the Honda HRX217VKA Lawn Mower. Our Best Overall pick comes from Honda’s top line of HRX Series mowers and is designed to make cutting the grass quick and efficient.

Like all Honda walk-behind mowers, the HRX217VKA features a 21-inch cut width. This model also boasts a treated NeXite underdeck that keeps grass clippings from sticking, so there’s no need to tip the mower over and chip away at hardened deposits.

The self-propelled mower comes with Honda’s GCV200 gas engine (5.6 HP) that powers through even dense, tall grass. It features an easy-start recoil cord, adjustable cutting height, and both bagging and mulching options. It also has a leaf-shredding option that turns dry autumn leaves into tiny shreds suitable for mulching as an alternative to raking fallen foliage.

Product Specs

Should You Get A Honda HRN or HRX?

  • Engine: 5.6 HP GCV200 gas engine
  • Cutting height: 0.75 to 4 inches
  • Push or self-propelled: Self-propelled
  • No pushing necessary
  • Easy-start engine
  • Large 9-inch wheels for maneuverability
  • Twin blades for fine clippings

Get the Honda HRX217VKA lawn mower at The Home Depot or from your local Honda dealer.

Honda 21-in. 3-in-1 Variable Speed Gas Walk Behind

Honda mowers are high-quality machines, so dirt-cheap models aren’t available—but folks can still own a Honda mower without breaking the bank. The Honda HRN216VKA lawn mower comes with Honda’s GCV170 engine (4.8 HP) that’s powerful enough to propel the mower while cutting, so all users do is steer.

Grass cutting height can be adjusted from 1 to 4 inches to suit most types of turf, and the mower comes with an easy-to-pull recoil cord. This model also allows users to regulate the propulsion speed. Honda’s MicroCut twin blades cut grass into fine clippings that are well suited to either bagging or mulching. All this can be had for a fairly attractive price point.

Product Specs

  • Engine:4.8 HP GCV170 gas engine
  • Cutting height:1 to 4 inches
  • Push or self-propelled: Self-propelled
  • Mower propels itself
  • Less expensive than other Honda models
  • Adjustable cutting height
  • Adjustable propulsion speed

Get the Honda HRN216VKA lawn mower at The Home Depot or from your local Honda dealer.

Honda Variable Speed Gas Walk Behind with Auto Choke

The Honda HRN216VYA lawn mower is similar in operation to our Best Bang for the Buck pick. One of the primary differences is its Roto-Stop blade system, which allows the user to disengage the blades while leaving the engine running. This makes it handy to dump clippings or move something out from the mower’s path without needing to turn the machine off and start it again.

This upgraded model comes with Honda’s GCV170 engine (4.8 HP), and users can adjust the cutting height to 7 positions, ranging from a minimum of 1.8 inches to a maximum of 4 inches. The HRN216VYA also features twin blades that produce tiny grass clippings that are well suited to either bagging or mulching.

Product Specs

  • Engine:4.8 HP GCV170 gas engine
  • Cutting height: 1.8 to 4 inches
  • Push or self-propelled: Self-propelled
  • Ability to disengage blades without turning mower off
  • Easy-to-start engine
  • Produces fine grass clippings

Get the Honda HRN216VYA lawn mower at The Home Depot or from your local Honda dealer.

Honda 21-in. NeXite Deck Hydrostatic Cruise Control

From the manufacturer’s top-of-the-line HRX Series comes the Honda HRX217HYA walk-behind mower, a model designed for the ultimate performance and user-friendly experience. It features Honda’s powerful GCV200 gas engine (5.6 HP) to provide ample power for mowing through even dense grass without a hitch. This model includes an easy-pull recoil cord starter and a NeXite underdeck to resist rust and keep grass clippings from sticking.

The HRX217HYA boasts cruise control, so users can select the exact propulsion speed that suits them best. (Other Honda mowers have preset speeds, which may be a little too fast or too slow for a user’s liking.) Additional benefits include Roto-Stop blades that can be disengaged without turning the mower off and grass-cutting height adjustability from 0.75 to 4 inches. Users can bag clippings or use the mulching feature. There’s a leaf-shredding option to boot.

Product Specs

  • Engine: 5.6 HP GCV200 gas engine
  • Cutting height: 0.75 to 4 inches
  • Push or self-propelled: Self-propelled
  • Cruise control to lock in speed preference
  • Large 9-inch wheels for maneuverability
  • Leaf-shredding function
  • Easy-start recoil cord

Get the Honda HRX217HYA lawn mower at The Home Depot or from your local Honda dealer.

Honda HRX217VLA 21-in 4-in-1 Versamow Self-Propelled

Those looking for a walk-behind mower that really goes the extra mile to simplify yard work might want to check out the Honda HRX217VLA lawn mower. It comes with a powerful 5.6-HP GCV200 engine, self-propulsion, the ability to bag or mulch grass clippings, and a NeXite underdeck to prevent grass buildup. An added selling point of this Honda model is its keyed electric start, which eliminates the need to pull a recoil cord (a backup recoil cord is included should the key get lost).

Except for the bonus of electric start, this model is similar to other Honda mowers in the HRX Series: Users can adjust the cutting height from 0.75 to 4 inches, choose from various speed levels, and employ the leaf-shredding function if desired. Oddly, this well-loaded HRX model doesn’t have Roto-Stop blades. Honda, hello?!

Product Specs

  • Engine: 5.6 HP GCV200 gas engine
  • Cutting height: 0.75 to 4 inches
  • Push or self-propelled: Self-propelled
  • Electric start
  • Adjustable cutting height
  • Adjustable handle
  • Twin blades for finer grass clippings

Get the Honda HRX217VLA lawn mower on MaxTool or from your local Honda dealer.

Honda Power HRC216PDA Lawn Mower

The only push-type mower in our lineup, the Honda HRC216PDA takes some physical strength to operate because it’s not self-propelled. Still, its rugged deck and body construction will withstand the frequent use of professional landscapers. It comes with a Honda GCV160 (4.4 HP) gas engine that supplies ample power to get through tall and dense grass. Keep in mind that while this engine is less powerful than some models, no power is expended in propelling the mower, so all the energy goes into cutting grass.

The HRC216PDA features adjustable cutting heights between 0.75 inches and 4 inches to suit most types of turf grass. It has a basic recoil cord starter, but virtually all else is beefed up on this mower, including a heavy-duty steel deck and a front steel bumper. Even the handle comes with a larger diameter for more comfortable grasping. And it’s got Honda’s standard mow, mulch, or bag options, as well as twin blades for finer clippings.

Product Specs

  • Engine: 4.4 HP GCV160 gas engine
  • Cutting height: 0.75 to 4 inches
  • Push or self-propelled: Push
série, sekačky, honda, hrn216

Get the Honda HRC216PDA lawn mower at Brothers Powersports or from your local Honda dealer.

Our Verdict

Honda lawn mowers are built to last, and any of the picks in this lineup are top options for cutting grass. However, our Best Overall selection, the Honda NeXite Variable Speed 4-in-1 Gas Walk Behind, ticks all the boxes: it’s self-propelled, comes with an adjustable height deck, and features a nonstick deck underside. Our best bang for the buck pick, the Honda 21-in. 3-in-1 Variable Speed Gas Walk Behind, has many standard Honda features at an attractive price point.

How We Chose the Best Honda Lawn Mowers

Buying a lawn mower is an investment in the care and maintenance of your lawn, so it’s worthwhile to take some time and consider which mower best suits your needs.

Honda mowers are among the top options on the market today—with good reason. They have powerful engines and feature a range of user-friendly features. In choosing the models in this lineup, we focused on featuring a variety of models from different Honda mower series. We chose only one push-type model since many folks appreciate the self-propulsion function on a mower. Still, professional landscapers may prefer the simplicity of a push-type model, believing that these basic workhorses are less likely to have functional frailties.

We ended up with more models from the HRZ series since they offer more user-friendly options. Still, Honda employs the same care and reliable engine in all its models, so users should choose based on their individual needs.


Buying a new lawn mower is an investment. A few questions are likely for those looking for the best Honda self-propelled mower or even a push-type model.

Q. Are Honda lawn mowers good?

Yes, we consider them to be good-quality mowers—and we’re not alone. In a Consumer Report’s head-to-head test between Honda and Toro, Honda took the top spot.

Q. How long do Honda lawn mowers last?

It all depends on how often they’re used and how well they’re maintained. A Honda mower that’s regularly serviced (check the owner’s manual for instructions) and properly stored can last 10 to 20 years or longer.

Q. Can a Honda lawn mower mulch grass cuttings?

Most Honda mowers come with a mulching feature, meaning the clippings can be left on the lawn to biodegrade.

Q. What’s the difference between a Honda push and self-propelled lawn mower?

A push mower must be physically pushed by hand. The rear wheels on a self-propelled mower turn to propel the mower forward.

Q. How do I stop a walk-behind mower?

To stop most Honda lawn mowers, simply release the secondary handlebar that you hold against the primary handle when mowing, and the mower will shut off.

Q. Does it matter in which direction I mow?

For the best-looking lawn and the most uniform results, try alternating directions each time you mow.

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